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Common registration problems

"Where is my registration code?"
The registration are activated automatically. After donating please wait at least one hour for the registation code.
Out system will email it to you. Please verify that the email has not been sent to the spam folder!
Check for an email with the subject "My Portable Software - registration code".

"PayPal transaction ID is wrong"
You should use the code present in the confirmation email we have sent to you and not the one found in the PayPal message.
It's a different ID! We use the transaction ID as registration code, PayPal send the confirmation ID.

Remember to check your mail for a message with the subject "My Portable Software - registration code", if you cannot find it in your inbox, verify the spam folder.
IMPORTANT: Software downloaded from torrent / filesharing sites

Someone has built unofficial versions of our software containing an installer and distributing it via other sites.

DON'T DOWLOAD AND USE THESE VERSIONS! These files may contains virus/malware.

We will NOT give support to these versions. So, please, don't ask how to uninstall it / how to find it in the add/remove programs.
Our software is portable: to uninstall it simply delete the directory.
(C) 2011 / 2024 My Portable Software - All rights reserved
Site revision v1.81