All the software on this site has been made by us

The license type for PERSONAL USE is "donationware" (you can use them for free!)
Works on: Windows 10 / 11 (32 & 64 bit) - .NET Framework 3.5 / 4.5 required
If you like them, you can donate using PayPal - PayPal -- The safer, easier way to pay online.

Donation info

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With a single donation, you can register all the software!

Latest news

2019/02/02    Released HDD LED Pro v1.00:
Download and test our new HDD LED software!
Various themes and size to choose!
Visit the new site:
2018/04/12    Released Free HDD LED v2.10:
- new vertical window style: drives can be shown in vertical mode (as requested by many users)
option can be found in the Window Style menu
- removed the donate logo for the unregistered version
- recompiled with Vistual Studio 2017 / Framework 4.5
2016/06/06    Released a new Android app: My SD LED!
A "Free HDD LED" style app for Android!
It monitor SD card / internal memory ready/write activity, blinking an icon in the notification area like a hdd led!
2016/05/25    Released My Screen Capture v1.70:
- added hotkey: screenshot grabber can be invoked using CTRL + F12
- updated license module
- recompiled with Vistual Studio 2015
2016/03/23    Released a new software My IP v1.00!
This software read the public IP of your internet connection and report it in the systray area.
My IP can also send an alert email when the IP change.
2016/03/15    We are recompiling all our software with the new Visual Studio 2015.
This may require many weeks to be completed.
Check each software page to verify what has been updated.
2016/02/09    Released a new software Scroll Lock HDD LED v1.00!
This software emulates the hdd led using the scroll lock led on keyboard
2016/01/28    Released Free HDD LED v2.02:
- fixed the free disk check module which caused a random error on some systems ("free_hdd_led stopped working")
- less cpu usage for free disk check module
- some minor fix
2015/10/20    Released My CPU Monitor v1.50, My Screen Capture Monitor v1.65:
- updated internal modules
- various code and bug fix
2015/05/22    Released My System Monitor v1.12:
- (fixed) new drives connected are not recognized automatically
- (fixed) on multi user system when switching back to a desktop with My System Monitor, the dock area may not be restored correctly
- option "always on top" now works properly
- various fix
2015/05/18    Released Free HDD LED v2.01:
- (fixed) enable big led option don't work in registered version
2015/03/19    Released My Daily Wallpaper v7.00:
- new feature: add a local images directory. Now you can use your personal pics as random wallpapers!
- fixed rare bug: cannot use a wallpaper in case the path does not contains two slashes
- fixed some rare crash
- fixed the error reporting engine
- various code fix and bug fix
2015/02/18    Released Free USB Guard v1.70, My Memory Monitor v1.70, My Network Speed v1.70:
- updated internal libraries code
- some bugfix
2015/02/12    Released Free Clipboard Manager v4.00:
- added a new menu option to edit items (useful when preview is disabled)
- (fixed) when saving a modified item, the preview content is not refreshed
- updated internal libraries code
- some bugfix

Released Free File Wiper v1.91, My Watermark v3.11:
- fixed exe version number
2015/02/12    Released Free File Wiper v1.90, My Watermark v3.10:
- some bugfix
- updated internal libraries code
2015/02/03    Released a new software Fast Reboot v1.00:
a little freeware utility to fast reboot your Windows PC with a single click!

Released Free HDD LED v2.00:
- new option: enable big LED! As requested by some users here is the big LED version :) enable this option to enlarge the window
- removed Scroll-Lock blink feature. Some users have reported strange crash on Windows 8 while loading Free HDD LED (due to win32 library compatibility)
For those interested in scroll-lock led, I'll write a special version of HDD LED which integrates it :)
- drive letter font for low disk space drive is set to bold
2014/12/03    Released Free TvDB v5.33:
- seasons not present anymore in a series are cleaned up in the local db (this caused the update loop bug)
- (fixed) rare bug: after updating a series, the software keep looping in the update process
- changed the location confirm icon with a save icon
- some bug fix
2014/11/27    Released Free HDD LED v1.98:
- main window is no more visible while using ALT-TAB
- (fixed) rare crash while closing the software when the systray icon is re-created

Released My System Monitor v1.10:
- (fixed) on screen resolution change the dock area is placed in a wrong position
- (fixed) on multi user system when switching back to a desktop with My System Monitor, the dock area is no more active
- added an option to force setting again the docking area
- added drive letter to hdd speed panel
- main window is no more visible while using ALT-TAB
2014/11/25    Released Free TvDB v5.30:
- (fixed) DB load error in case a series XML is not present and cannot be downloaded from
- (fixed) after auto/manual updating a series the focus is lost and another series/season is selected
- some bug fix
2014/11/14    Released a new software: My System Monitor v1.00!
The power of Free HDD LED, My HDD Speed, My CPU Monitor, My Memory Monitor and My Network Speed in a simple and smart utility docked in the top of your Windows desktop!

2014/11/13    Released Shuffle Music Player v1.82:
- (fixed) sometime blacklisted music is played anyway (strange BinarySearch bug :/ )
- (fixed) prev button play blacklisted music
- (fixed) systray title lose current/total music counter when paused
2014/11/11    Released Free TvDB v5.20:
- (fixed) rare crash on some systems when opening the config window (System.InvalidOperationException)
- updated error reporting engine
- updated internal libraries code
- various code fix
2014/11/07    Released Shuffle Music Player v1.80:
- added a "Prev" button, now you can navigate and re-listen played music :)
- added a new registration method: SMS. Useful if you don't have a credit card or PayPal
- new error reporting system engine
- various code fix
- updated internal libraries code
2014/11/06    Released Free File Wiper v1.80, My HDD Speed v2.30, My Memory Monitor v1.60, My QR Code Generator v1.20:
- added a new registration method: SMS. Useful if you don't have a credit card or PayPal
- (fixed) on some systems the systray icon is not visible after Windows logon (common Windows problem...)
- new error reporting system engine
- various code fix
- updated internal libraries code
2014/11/03    Released Free Clipboard Manager v3.95, Free File Camouflage v1.25:
- added a new registration method: SMS. Useful if you don't have a credit card or PayPal
- new error reporting system engine
- various code fix
- updated internal libraries code
Click here for oldest news
(C) 2011 / 2024 My Portable Software - All rights reserved
Site revision v1.82